Open the new year with a trip to Madagascar
Our social Madagascar project with Bund Deutscher Fußball-Lehrer e.V. hashtag BDFL was a complete success! Direct help on the ground in a great joint collaboration with the BDFL and Gernot Rohr, our German Football Ambassador 2016 and current national coach of hashtag Benin. Gernot Rohr and his family have been involved locally for several years, particularly in hashtag Maroantsetra and hashtag NosyBoraha, and supported us in organising the transport and distribution on site. The BDFL provided us with plenty of football equipment (Teamsportbedarf, PUMA Group,Eintracht Frankfurt…) , Gernot Rohr added football shirts from the DFB national team and FC Bayern München and so the handover was 100% safe and celebrated extensively. Could the year 2025 start any better?
A big thank you to the BDFL for all the great material and the good co-operation on behalf of many young Madagascans!